Almost all housing co-operatives that have received assistance under federal programs in Canada have, or once had, an operating agreement with Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC). The CMHC agreements set out what each party is required to do during a term that varies from 30 to 50 years.
With a few exceptions, operating agreements with CMHC fall into four groups, according to the housing program that supported the co-op’s development. Plain-language information about the rules for these programs is available from the Agency. You will also find detailed information about the main features of each of the different programs.
In order to continue the federal assistance that has allowed housing co-operatives to charge their low-income members less than the co-op’s cost, CMHC has offered to extend expiring operating agreements. Regional federations, the Co-operative Housing Federation of Canada and the Agency’s relationship managers can help co-ops with lapsing agreements as they plan for their transition. Among the resources below you will find Information on the end of operating agreements for co-ops under each CMHC housing program.