Caring for Your Buildings

Photo of mechanical room at housing co-op
Partners in Your Success
Advice from many sources can help you care for your property. Even if your co-op looks in ship shape, you can always learn something new.

Housing co-operatives have just one valuable asset: their property. So it makes sense to take care of it.

A well-kept housing co‑operative has prouder, happier members who love their homes. It’s a place where other people want to live. And one that will serve generations to come, far into the future.

The catch is that maintaining your property takes planning, follow-through and money. Check out these resources on building maintenance, capital planning, curb appeal and more. This is your gateway to becoming a co‑op that you can’t help bragging about.

Guide to Maintenance Planning in your Housing Co-op


Project Management Guide


Guide to Building Condition Assessments and Reserve Fund Studies


Good Practices in Capital and Maintenance Planning

Marketing and Maintenance Checklist


Maintenance and Capital Planning Tips


Tip of the Month

Management Trend

The trend to hire management companies continues. 58% of co-ops hire management companies, compared to 28% that employ independent staff as their managers.