Request for Building Condition Assessment Bids Template
BC Housing Provider Kit - Managing Housing Assets
Hiring a management company? We can help!
Effective property management is the heart of a successful co-op. Finding the right management company can seem like a daunting undertaking for large or small co-ops alike.
To assist our clients in obtaining the best price with qualified firms, the Agency has compiled a list of property management
Improved Model Management Services Agreement
The Agency has updated its Model Management Services Agreement and developed it as a fillable PDF document, greatly simplifying the steps to prepare a contract. Changes to the contract reflect the feedback we received through an extensive consultation with sector organizations and management
Co-Investment Fund will Help Modernize Existing Stock and Fund More Housing
This spring, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) launched the National Housing Co-Investment Fund as part of the federal government’s National Housing Strategy. The Fund supports the creation or repair of affordable homes across the country. The goals of the program are
- create 60,000
Get Planning with a BCA: A New Guide
To take care of aging buildings, co-ops need to plan for repairs and replacements. A good place to start is with a Building Condition Assessment (BCA). The Agency’s Technical Services team has developed a plain language guide to help co-ops get started and understand the how to get started, how to
Your Co-op’s Heating and Ventilation System
Heating and ventilation are important in residential buildings, especially to co-ops with mid- to high-rise multi-unit residential buildings (MURBs). The mechanical-system equipment within a MURB plays a significant role in the building’s energy efficiency, resident comfort and utility costs.
Tip of the Month
No Vacancy Loss
28% of Agency clients lost no money to vacancies last year. Good, if this means members chose to stay in their units. Bad, if new members moved into units that hadn’t been refreshed.