Fill Your Units
You can never get back the money you lose when a unit stands empty. Whenever a member gives notice, it’s important to get the word out, which is usually the responsibility of the manager. As soon as a prospect gets in touch, your co-op needs to follow up promptly. Otherwise, they will go elsewhere.
Budget Well
To avoid running out of money, your co-op needs to adopt a well thought-out operating budget every year. Without one, you could find yourself facing a deficit, paying your bills late, cutting back on repairs to units and unable to update and replace worn-out building elements.
Begin the process by
Marketing and Maintenance Checklist
Keeping Your Co-op Full
CHF Canada
Monthly Management Reports to the Board
Agency for Co-operative Housing
Tip of the Month
Risk Trend
92% of Agency clients have a Strengthening or Stable risk trend. Proof of many good decisions.