Housing Market Outlooks for 2023
Co-op and Rental Housing in 2023: What to Expect
The Agency is excited to present some cautious predictions about rental and co-op housing markets in 2023. We commissioned this report on housing market outlooks from respected housing analyst Will Dunning.
Although he is careful to note that current data are hard to come by and much can change
Sample Action Plan Goals
A Closer Look at Action Plan Goals
CMHC’s Rental Assistance Program (FCHI-2) has introduced a new requirement—submitting an Action Plan every three years. Co-ops are using these Action Plans to set goals that will improve their own long-term operational practices while helping to strengthen the co-op housing sector.
After working
A Reminder About Building Condition Assessments
As your buildings age over time, it’s important to know what will need to be fixed and when. Not to mention how much it will cost.
That’s where a building condition assessment (BCA) report comes in.
What is a Building Condition Assessment?
A BCA is a report prepared by a qualified consultant who
Quick Guide to the Rental Assistance Online Calculator
The Self Assessment Questionnaire: Your Co-op’s Mirror
When was the last time your board discussed your building’s curb appeal? How about its approach to water conservation?
These are good questions to ask, and they’re good examples of what the Agency had in mind when we developed our online Self Assessment.
This tool will guide you through five key
Investing in Longevity: Stonetown Co-op's Capital Repairs Pay Off
It’s no secret that, like all things, buildings wear down over time and need to get fixed up. But undertaking major repairs isn't just about replacing what's broken; it's an investment in the longevity, functionality and overall appeal of our living spaces.
Whether you’re revamping a tired façade
CMHC Preservation Fund Information Sheet
Tip of the Month
Risk Trend
92% of Agency clients have a Strengthening or Stable risk trend. Proof of many good decisions.