Housing Market Outlooks for 2023
Co-op and Rental Housing in 2023: What to Expect
The Agency is excited to present some cautious predictions about rental and co-op housing markets in 2023. We commissioned this report on housing market outlooks from respected housing analyst Will Dunning.
Although he is careful to note that current data are hard to come by and much can change
Sample Action Plan Goals
A Closer Look at Action Plan Goals
CMHC’s Rental Assistance Program (FCHI-2) has introduced a new requirement—submitting an Action Plan every three years. Co-ops are using these Action Plans to set goals that will improve their own long-term operational practices while helping to strengthen the co-op housing sector.
After working
Quick Guide to the Rental Assistance Online Calculator
Overview of Rental Markets in Prince Edward Island, Ontario, Alberta and British Columbia
Each year Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) produces rental-market reports for many parts of Canada. These reports are an in-depth look at the trends Canadians can expect to see in rental housing. We asked Will Dunning, an economist specializing in market analysis, to take a close look
Celebrating the Successful Roll-Out of the Rental Assistance Calculator
The Rental Assistance Program (FCHI-2) has been a lifesaver for co-op households of low and modest income. As the expiry of the legacy co-op housing programs came closer, about one third of co-op members faced the loss of a housing subsidy geared to their income—which would mean the loss of the co
Social Assistance and How to Calculate Housing Charges
Q&A on Housing Charge Increases
Tip of the Month
Co-ops without Paid Managers
Since 2007, the percentage of co-ops without paid help is down by more than half to a mere 2% of Agency clients. Another 12% just have a lonely bookkeeper.