Ontario Housing Co-ops: How to Cut Your Energy Costs for a Better Bottom Line
If your co-op does business with Enbridge gas in Ontario, you’ll want to read this.
Enbridge Gas offers a program for Ontario housing co-operatives (customers only) that will mean energy savings.
The Affordable Multi-Family Housing Program provides money towards capital improvements that will cut
Ontario Housing Co-ops: Energy-Efficient Growth
Enbridge Gas offers a program that will mean energy savings for Ontario housing co‑operatives (customers only) that are planning to add new units.
The Savings by Design Program is for new-construction projects, either low-rise or multi-family elevator buildings. The goal of the program is to
Is your co-op taking advantage of funding programs?
From new construction to sustainability upgrades, a housing co-op always has projects on its wish list.
Fortunately, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) and other organizations offer funding programs that your co-op can use to turn those wish-list items into reality.
Year-End Filings Coming Due? Things to Remember
Getting your year-end filings done on time is good for everyone! You’ll fulfill your co-op’s legal obligation and get your Agency performance reports that much sooner. Also, Agency staff would rather do other things than hound you for documents.
Here are a few helpful reminders for you when your
Easy Ways to Make Your Co-op More Energy Efficient
Interested in improving energy efficiency in your co-op? Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) outlines the benefits: cost-effectiveness, comfortable, healthy living conditions and care for the environment. While Natural Resources is thinking about private housing, co-ops can use many of the tips on
Energy Benchmarking: The First Step towards Energy Savings
What is energy benchmarking for buildings?
Natural Resources Canada (NRCAN)’s Energy benchmarking: the basics describes it as “the ongoing review of your organization’s energy consumption to determine if your building’s energy performance is getting better or worse.”
NRCAN notes that energy
A New Case Study on Heat Pumps for Co-ops
As heat pumps become a more popular tool for providing high-efficiency heating, more and more co-ops are jumping on the bandwagon with hopes of reducing their energy costs.
To investigate the impact that heat pumps are having on co-ops’ bottom lines, the Agency commissioned a case study to see
CMHC Preservation Fund Information Sheet
Tip of the Month
No Vacancy Loss
28% of Agency clients lost no money to vacancies last year. Good, if this means members chose to stay in their units. Bad, if new members moved into units that hadn’t been refreshed.