Fill Your Units
You can never get back the money you lose when a unit stands empty. Whenever a member gives notice, it’s important to get the word out, which is usually the responsibility of the manager. As soon as a prospect gets in touch, your co-op needs to follow up promptly. Otherwise, they will go elsewhere.
Get Paid
Your co-operative is in the housing business, not the lending business. It has bills to pay and a building to keep up. You should keep this in mind when members don’t pay on time.
If a household doesn’t pay what it owes and moves out, the co-operative is left with a bad debt, which will have to be
Your Environmental Sustainability Policy
Co-ops that care about climate change and want to shrink their environmental footprint should consider approving their own Environmental Sustainability Policy. A model is available from the Co‑operative Housing Federation of Canada. It was written so that you can easily remove any points that don’t
All in This Together at Abiwin Co-operative
As the pandemic moved into high gear in Canada, businesses were closing and employees were sent home; a new normal was taking hold. It quickly became clear to the staff and members of the Abiwin Co-operative that they should support each other during this difficult time.
Abiwin is home to members
Marketing and Maintenance Checklist
Keeping Your Co-op Full
Cannabis Legalization and Housing Co-ops
Monthly Management Reports to the Board
Tip of the Month
Client Compliance
In 2008, 70% of Agency clients met every term of their CMHC operating agreement. Now 80% do. And compliance failures, great and small, are also fewer.