Agency for Co-operative Housing
BC Housing Provider Kit - Managing Housing Assets
BC Housing
Get Planning with a BCA: A New Guide
17 July 2018
To take care of aging buildings, co-ops need to plan for repairs and replacements. A good place to start is with a Building Condition Assessment (BCA). The Agency’s Technical Services team has developed a plain language guide to help co-ops get started and understand the how to get started, how to
Cannabis Legalization and Housing Co-ops
The Co-operators
Replacement Reserve Spending Form
Agency for Co-operative Housing
Q&A on Underfunded Reserves
Agency for Co-operative Housing
Protect Your Assets
Your co-op has three main assets, although only one appears on the audited financial statements.
Your money and buildings
Protect your co-op‘s property by buying the right insurance in the right amounts. All housing co-ops need five kinds of insurance: property, loss of housing charges, public
Tip of the Month
Risk Trend
92% of Agency clients have a Strengthening or Stable risk trend. Proof of many good decisions.