Ontario Electricity Support Program
The Agency has learned about several Ontario programs that can help co-ops and their members save energy—and money. While your co-op will need to invest some money in order to benefit in some initiatives, these measures offer long-term value. If this idea interests your co-op, you may wish to check
Energy Benchmarking: The First Step towards Energy Savings
What is energy benchmarking for buildings?
Natural Resources Canada (NRCAN)’s Energy benchmarking: the basics describes it as “the ongoing review of your organization’s energy consumption to determine if your building’s energy performance is getting better or worse.”
NRCAN notes that energy
Tip of the Month
No Vacancy Loss
28% of Agency clients lost no money to vacancies last year. Good, if this means members chose to stay in their units. Bad, if new members moved into units that hadn’t been refreshed.