2020 Utility Allowances
CMHC has provided the Agency with the 2020 utility allowances.
Reporting and Supporting: The Rent Supplement Program
In 2017, the Agency took on the responsibility of managing Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC)’s Rent Supplement Program. A few months later, we launched our brand new On-line Rent Supplement Claims System (RS System), ending the use of outdated paper forms. Almost two years in, we are
Update: Federal Community Housing Initiative
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) has been working closely with key housing associations over the summer to finalize details for Phase 2 of the Federal Community Housing Initiative (FCHI). This new rental assistance program for community housing providers reaching the end of their
Overview of Rental Assistance (FCHI-2) for S95 co-ops
All in This Together at Abiwin Co-operative
As the pandemic moved into high gear in Canada, businesses were closing and employees were sent home; a new normal was taking hold. It quickly became clear to the staff and members of the Abiwin Co-operative that they should support each other during this difficult time.
Abiwin is home to members
Community Development and Education Plan
Winning with the Rapid Housing Initiative
COVID-19 has exposed the desperate need for more affordable housing. As part of the National Housing Strategy (NHS), CMHC has developed an extra funding model to speed up the delivery of affordable housing units in the teeth of the pandemic. Called the Rapid Housing Initiative (RHI), it provides
Tip of the Month
Infectious Arrears
In co-ops where board members are behind on their housing charges, the amount all members owe is almost four times higher than in co-ops where board members pay on time. This number speaks for itself.