Thinking about cutting your maintenance costs? Think again
Maintenance costs are a big part of your co-op’s annual budget. Unlike with your mortgage, insurance and property taxes, you can decide to cut your maintenance costs. And we usually think that lower costs are better.
But wait! With maintenance costs, lower might not be better. Lower maintenance
CMHC Rent Supplement Program
Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) Rent Supplement Program Objectives
- To help households in need by setting a limit on the percentage of their incomes used to pay rent in Ontario and Prince Edward Island. The program funds the difference between the occupancy charge and the geared-to
Payments to CMHC
Co-ops with Just One Elevator
Big, expensive decisions lie ahead for housing co-ops with a single elevator that is starting to show its age. After 20 to 25 years of service, elevators will reach the end of their effective lives. Toward the end of this period, the elevator may experience decreasing performance, along with many
Renovation Saves Energy: Shalom Community Housing Co-operative
Over the past 30 years, building standards and techniques have changed. So it’s not surprising that Shalom Community Housing Co-operative gained more than its members expected when it undertook major renovations.
Located in Kitchener, Ontario, Shalom is a 40-unit townhouse-style co-op arranged in
BC Housing Provider Kit - Managing Housing Assets
Co-Investment Fund will Help Modernize Existing Stock and Fund More Housing
This spring, Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) launched the National Housing Co-Investment Fund as part of the federal government’s National Housing Strategy. The Fund supports the creation or repair of affordable homes across the country. The goals of the program are
- create 60,000
Get Planning with a BCA: A New Guide
To take care of aging buildings, co-ops need to plan for repairs and replacements. A good place to start is with a Building Condition Assessment (BCA). The Agency’s Technical Services team has developed a plain language guide to help co-ops get started and understand the how to get started, how to
Tip of the Month
Capital Plans and Contributions
Comparing 2007 and 2020, we saw the median annual contributions per unit almost triple ($1,026 per unit to $3,052).