2020 Rent Supplement Portfolio Report
Finally! The Online Calculator for the Rental Assistance Program is Launched
The first year under the Rental Assistance Program (FCHI-2) has been a hard slog for housing co-ops. The program came together while you were using it, resulting in months of frustration as one change followed another. We can only thank you for your patience. We finally have good news to offer.
Funding Your Co-op Could Qualify For
CMHC’s National Housing Co-Investment Fund hasn’t drawn great interest from Agency clients so far. In fact, it may be the most overlooked funding source in Canada for housing co-ops. We’re hoping to change that.
The fund supports building repair and renewal, as well as new construction, with
Year-End Filings Coming Due? Things to Remember
Getting your year-end filings done on time is good for everyone! You’ll fulfill your co-op’s legal obligation and get your Agency performance reports that much sooner. Also, Agency staff would rather do other things than hound you for documents.
Here are a few helpful reminders for you when your
Launching the online Rental Assistance Calculator
We’re pleased to announce the official launch of our online Rental Assistance Calculator.
This tool was developed to help co-ops in the Rental Assistance Program (FCHI-2) calculate assisted charges, track their total use of assistance, and submit their year-end reconciliation.
While developing
Topping up Your Capital Replacement Reserve after Mortgage Payout
Many co-ops in the Agency’s portfolio reached an important milestone in the past several years: finally paying off their mortgages. For many, that has opened wide new worlds of financial freedom. And the good news is that many co-ops are using that freedom to top up their capital reserves.
New Good Practices Video on Filing Your AIR
Every year, Agency clients ask their auditor to web-file their Annual Information Return (AIR) to fulfill their annual filing obligation under their CMHC agreement four months after the end of their fiscal year. The annual filing also includes your co-op’s audited financial statements, signed board
CMHC Preservation Fund Information Sheet
Action Plan: Planning to Act! - Updated from 18 October 2021
“Failing to plan means planning to fail.” We’ve all heard someone say that. Planning is hard, important work, but it’s just got easier owing to some help from the Agency.
CMHC’s Rental Assistance Program (FCHI-2) requires co-ops to complete an Action Plan covering their next three years
Tip of the Month
Capital Plans and Contributions
Comparing 2007 and 2020, we saw the median annual contributions per unit almost triple ($1,026 per unit to $3,052).