Call for Applications: The National Housing Council for a National Housing Strategy

4 September 2019

Do you want to help dismantle the barriers that Canadians face in accessing affordable housing? Are you involved in the housing or human-rights sector and eager to secure better housing outcomes? Are you interested in providing advice and recommendations on the National Housing Strategy? If so, apply to be considered for the National Housing Council!

Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) has issued a public call for applications from interested individuals who would like to serve on the National Housing Council. The Council will be appointed by the Minister of Families, Children and Social Development, and CMHC is looking for people who represent Canada’s diversity in gender, official languages, regions, indigenous groups and vulnerable populations, racialized communities and people with lived experience of housing need or homelessness.

Individuals with experience in a housing-related field, such as

  • housing providers
  • local service providers
  • leaders from the not-for-profit and private sectors
  • academia,

are encouraged to apply. The deadline for applications is 14 October 2019 23:59 EST. You can find additional information here. Help address the barriers to affordable housing by submitting an application today!

Tip of the Month

Plans in Action

The average co-op with an approved capital replacement plan tucks away more than $3,600 per unit in reserves each year--triple the 2007 amount. Does their future hold better windows? New kitchens? Savings mean more choices.