You Told Us about Our Service: The Highlights

21 February 2019

How does your co-op really feel about the Agency? Inquiring minds want to know. Every few years the Agency reaches out to all our clients to touch base with you about our service—and our services. To make sure you can be frank with us, we hire a professional research firm that treats your individual responses as confidential.

For our 2018 survey, we wanted to dig deeper, so we sent questionnaires to boards of directors, as well as managers. Forum Research heard from 186 co-op managers and 112 boards of directors and the news is good. Most of you are satisfied or very satisfied with our service and many of you had compliments to pay. Thank you for taking the time to respond.

Overall Quality

The most important question was how you feel about the overall quality of the Agency’s service. Your answer is in the table below. Compared with our results in 2015, your satisfaction with our service has increased by 8 percentage points.

Speed of Service

We know that speedy service matters to you, so we were delighted to learn that 90 % of managers and 91 % of boards find us prompt. You’re also satisfied with our phone and e-mail communications.

Satisfaction with Our Service

Board Members

  Overall Quality Speed of Service E-mails Phone Calls
Very Satisfied 54% 67% 67% 55%
Satisfied 36% 23% 26% 31%
Somewhat Satisfied 8% 8% 5% 9%


  Overall Quality Speed of Service E-mails Phone Calls
Very Satisfied 63% 67% 73% 67%
Satisfied 27% 23% 19% 23%
Somewhat Satisfied 7% 8% 5% 7%

Your Relationship Manager

Relationship managers are your housing co-op’s point of contact with the Agency. With support from the Agency’s back office, they deliver most of our services. So the way you view your relationship manager is very important to us. The good news is that 92 % of managers and 86 % of Board members are satisfied—or very satisfied—with their relationship manager. Many of your general comments had to do with your relationship manager, showing how important that role is to you and the Agency. Managers praised particular relationship managers for “going above and beyond for our co-op” and being “fantastic to work with.”

Board members described a relationship manager as “awesome” and said about another, “I appreciate how helpful they have been.” You called us “personable” and said that our service is “noticeably thorough and relevant.”

Happy as we are with all this good news, we listen even more closely to the comments from the dissatisfied minority. We thank them for their criticism because we need to hear it if we are to serve you even better in the future.

Tip of the Month

Arrears Cost

Half the Agency's clients have member arrears and bad debts below $44 a unit, and half above. In 2007, the midpoint was $86. Great news in a challenging year.