Hiring a Property Management Company

A meeting with 4 attendees referring to documents with graphs and charts

Let’s assume that your board has decided that hiring a property management company is the best way to look after the day-to-day work of managing your co-op.

Your co-op will want to choose a property-management company through a Request for Proposals (RFP). Our Guide to Hiring Property Management Services through a Request for Proposals will lead you through the process step by step. It provides a timetable for your co-op to follow and a complete set of forms to use. These include a summary of your co-op’s requirements, instructions for preparing an RFP, a proposal form for bidders to fill out, and a checklist that you can use to assess each proposal

Our guide also refers you to other places where you can find information, such as CHF Canada’s Resource Centre.

Guide to Hiring Property Management Services through a Request for Proposals


Timetable for Hiring a Property Management Company


Summary of Co-operative and its Management Requirements


Proposal Form


Capacity Evaluation


Property Management Company Evaluation Tool


Tip of the Month

Risk Trend

92% of Agency clients have a Strengthening or Stable risk trend. Proof of many good decisions.