Ready for your Annual General Meeting (AGM)?

22 October 2018

Did you know your membership doesn’t need to approve your audited financial statements? Fact! If you check your provincial co-op act, you’ll see that co-ops just have to present the statements, which their members receive for information. So don’t delay your annual filings with the Agency until after your AGM. As soon as your board has approved and signed the audited financial statements, send them to your relationship manager. The sooner you get your Annual Information Return, audited statements and board certification to the Agency, the sooner the Agency can return your co-op’s reports about how your co-op is doing. Early filing means you’ll have your Plain-Language Financials and Co-op Data Report to share with your members at the AGM. 

Curious about how your results compare with others? Get your audit done and file early!

Tip of the Month

Plans in Action

The average co-op with an approved capital replacement plan tucks away more than $3,600 per unit in reserves each year--triple the 2007 amount. Does their future hold better windows? New kitchens? Savings mean more choices.