CHF Canada Greener Co-op Microgrant

28 March 2018
CHF Canada

Would you like your co-op to have a positive impact on the environment? Do you want to decrease your consumption of non-renewable resources and save money while doing it? Maybe you’d like to start a community garden, or install a few rain barrels? Do you want to explore adding solar panels or a roof garden to your apartment building?

Maybe a little extra money could help you move your project forward! The Co-operative Housing Federation of Canada (CHF Canada) is launching the third year of the microgrant program. Housing co-ops are encouraged to design and implement projects that will help green their communities. Even the grant money is green! It comes from a fund to offset greenhouse gases emitted when staff travel across the country by plane, train or car.

CHF Canada will fund small projects from $500 to a limit of $4,000. 

All CHF Canada member co-ops qualify except those that received a grant in previous years.

Additional information, including access to the application form is available here.

Tip of the Month

Infectious Arrears

In co-ops where board members are behind on their housing charges, the amount all members owe is almost four times higher than in co-ops where board members pay on time. This number speaks for itself.