A New HomeRun for Co-ops

4 July 2024

Do you ever wonder how your co-op is really doing? You know your buildings, your books and your members better than anyone, but getting a bigger picture through comparison can be an incredibly powerful tool. 

That’s why we built a website we called HomeRun for Agency clients. It uses data collected from co-ops’ web-filed Annual Information Returns (AIRs) and displays it so you can see how your co-op compares to others across a full range of performance measures.  

This tool has been helping Agency clients understand their data better for years, but it had been developed as a pilot project. So, it was time  to refresh it to be both faster and easier to use.  

With HomeRun, you can see exactly how your co-op compares to other housing co-operatives of a comparable size and location. You can also filter the data to compare yourself with co-ops in your province or city, or those across the Agency’s national portfolio.  

HomeRun compares data from metrics in these operational categories: Asset Management, Environmental Sustainability, Financial Viability, Governance, and Social Inclusion. These metrics include ones like maintenance spending , insurance costs, vacancy loss, and many others. When doing a Self-Assessment, HomeRun can be referenced to provide a more data-driven picture of how your co-op is doing. 

You can see what metrics you can compare using our public Sample Dashboard, which also gives you a sense of what the tool looks like and how you can use it.   

Plus, the website includes a section on Good Practices. These are case studies and videos that tell a story of how a co-op tackled a performance weakness , and then came out stronger in the end.  

We hope HomeRun will give your co-op some things to consider on where it’s doing great and where there is room to grow.  

Ready to get started? Use your Agency login credentials or contact  your co-op’s Relationship Manager or Rental Assistance Officer to get them.  

Tip of the Month

Good Vacancy Loss

Some vacancy loss is by choice, because units are being refreshed for new members. So not a loss but an investment.