The Green Kickstarter Fund (GKF) provides grants to help launch sustainable, energy-efficient initiatives that create a lasting environmental impact.
The grants under the Green Kickstarter Fund are exclusively available to non-profits. Funding will vary by project based on conditions and specific needs. The maximum amount available under the GKF is $15,000, except for applications from the Nunavut, Yukon and the Northwest Territories, where the maximum is $20,000.
Green Kickstart Fund applications will be accepted from 1 March to 31 March 2025, until midnight in the applicant’s time zone.
For more information on the Green Kickstarter Fund, please visit https://centre.support/grants/green-kickstarter-fund/?utm_source=Centre+audience&utm_campaign=a0fa97fe9a-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2024_09_04_08_21_COPY_01&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_-d11ea22334-438281023
Housing co-operatives are invited to apply for the Co-operative Housing Federation of Canada’s Greener Co-op Microgrants Program. CHF Canada accepts grant requests for $1,000 to $4,000. The grant request must be for projects that improve environmental sustainability and reduce the impact of climate change.
Co-ops can apply online for the Greener Co-op Microgrants Program at https://chfcanada.wufoo.com/forms/greener-coop-microgrants-2025-applications/. The deadline for co-ops to apply is March 18, 2025, at 5pm ET.
For more information on the Greener Microgrants Program, please visit https://chfcanada.coop/about-us/awards-grants-and-scholarships/greener-co-op-microgrants/