Get Planning with a BCA: A New Guide

17 July 2018

To take care of aging buildings, co-ops need to plan for repairs and replacements. A good place to start is with a Building Condition Assessment (BCA). The Agency’s Technical Services team has developed a plain language guide to help co-ops get started and understand the how to get started, how to make sure your BCA is accurate and how to use the information to plan for your long-term capital repair needs.

The Guide provides an overview of what’s in a BCA and a Reserve Fund Study (RFS) and how they can be used to help plan capital projects and maintain the co-op’s asset. These comprehensive reports are the core supporting documents when a co-op develops an asset management plan.

Stay tuned for a Project Management Guide that will help co-ops understand the role of project management in successful major capital upgrades and replacements.

Tip of the Month

Capital Plans and Contributions

Comparing 2007 and 2020, we saw the median annual contributions per unit almost triple ($1,026 per unit to $3,052).