CMHC’s Federal Community Housing Initiative survey

14 November 2018

Canada Mortgage and Housing Corporation (CMHC) invites all federally-administered housing providers to complete a survey which will help inform the development of options for the Federal Community Housing Initiative (FCHI) Phase 2 that will be implemented starting April 1, 2020. Federally-administered housing providers should have received an email with a link to the survey on November 9, 2018. The deadline to complete the survey is November 23, 2018. 

Your feedback on the FCHI Phase 2 initiative is important. If your eligible organization has not received the survey, please contact: Visit CHF Canada website for more information.

Tip of the Month

Client Compliance

In 2008, 70% of Agency clients met every term of their CMHC operating agreement. Now 80% do. And compliance failures, great and small, are also fewer.