Contact Us

Photo of Agency staff member working at their computer


Ottawa Office

190 O'Connor Street, Suite 601
Ottawa, ON  K2P 2R3
Phone: (613) 234-4557

Toronto Office

250 University Avenue
Toronto, ON  M5H 3E5
Phone: (416) 598-4464

Vancouver Office

1055 West Georgia Street, Suite 2147,
Vancouver, BC V6E 3P3
Phone: (778) 327-6017


Toll-free phone and fax: 1 (866) 660-3140

Looking for an Agency staff member? Find them here: Our Staff

Got feedback? Want information? Have a concern to share? We want to hear from you! To find out how, follow this link: Information and Feedback.

Contact information must not be used for commercial purposes.

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Tip of the Month

Arrears Cost

Half the Agency's clients have member arrears and bad debts below $44 a unit, and half above. In 2007, the midpoint was $86. Great news in a challenging year.